September 9, 2020 – Directive for Masks/Face Coverings – Doctor’s Note NOT Required
September 9, 2020 ‐ With schools reopened and more people returning to onsite work, questions are being posed about Renfrew County and District Health Unit’s (RCDHU) COVID-19 Directive for Masks/Face Coverings in Renfrew County and District. As you know, masking is mandatory in enclosed public places. This includes private places where individuals not in the same bubble come together, for instance in lobbies and hallways, on elevators and in laundry rooms of apartment buildings, condominiums or multi-unit residential buildings.
August 25, 2020 – West Nile Virus Found in Mosquitoes in Renfrew County
August 25, 2020 ‐ West Nile Virus Found in Mosquitoes in Renfrew County Mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus (WNv) have been found in the Town of Renfrew around the intersection of Bonnechere Street South and Opeongo Road. This is only the third time that mosquitoes have tested positive for WNv in Renfrew County and District since the health unit began monitoring mosquitoes for WNv in 2005. Mosquito traps are set up on a weekly basis across the region during the summer months. There have not been any reported human cases of WNv so far in 2020.
July 30, 2020 – RCDHU Response to Positive Case of COVID-19 in Deep River
July 30, 2020 ‐ Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) has become aware of concerns expressed through social media related to potential exposures on July 16th and 17th at The Whistle Stop in Deep River.
July 24, 2020 – Heat Alert–July 25 to July 27, 2020
July 24, 2020 ‐ An extreme heat warning has been issued for Renfrew County and District, with Saturday temperatures expected to range from 30°C - 31°C (humidex mid-30’s), and even hotter temperatures expected Sunday afternoon and Monday afternoon (humidex will reach near 40 degrees both days). It is important to take steps to prevent heat-related illness during this heat event. Extreme heat can put everyone at risk from heat related illness, however older adults, infants and young children, people with chronic health conditions, people who work or exercise in the heat, homeless people and low-income earners are at greatest risk.
July 23, 2020 – Mask/Face Covering Toolkit by RCDHU
July 23, 2020 ‐ Since the announcement of RCDHU's COVID-19 Directive for Masks/Face Coverings, RCDHU has developed a COVID-19 Information for Business Operators Toolkit to help answer lingering questions.
July 9, 2020 – Directive for Masks/Face Coverings in Enclosed Public Spaces in Effect July 14th
July 9, 2020 ‐ Further to the Eastern Region Medical Officers of Health Announcement on July 6, Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) has released a local directive requiring masks or face coverings be worn in enclosed public spaces. The directive comes into effect on Tuesday, July 14th. RCDHU’s first step for implementation of this directive is a gradual education approach to be further assessed going forward. This directive is to be primarily used to educate people on mask use in enclosed public spaces because 2-metre physical distancing cannot always be maintained.
July 8, 2020- Blue-Green Algae Bloom Found – Lake Dore
July 8, 2020 ‐ The Renfrew County and District Health Unit and the Ministry of Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP) investigated the discovery of a substance floating on and around the shore at Lake Dore. The substance has been confirmed to be a blue-green algae bloom. The water sample was collected on July 2, 2020 and results received last night on July 7, 2020.
July 6, 2020 – RCDHU Announces Regional Approach to Mandatory Masks
July 6, 2020 ‐ Today Medical Officers of Health from Eastern Ontario Health Unit; Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit; Renfrew County and District Health Unit and Ottawa Public Health announced a regional approach to the use of masks in their respective jurisdictions. Each public health unit will be invoking a directive under the province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act that requires individuals to wear a mask or face covering in certain enclosed public spaces. Under the directive, the person responsible for a business or organization that is open shall operate the business or organization in compliance with the advice, recommendations and instructions of public health officials, including any advice, recommendations or instructions on physical distancing, cleaning or disinfecting.
July 2, 2020 – RCDHU Reports New Case of COVID-19 with Potential Exposures
July 2, 2020 ‐ Today, Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) confirms one more positive laboratory-confirmed case of novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in Renfrew County and District (RCD) associated with community spread.
June 19, 2020 – Heat Alert–June 19th and June 20th
June 19, 2020 ‐ An extreme heat event has been issued for Renfrew County and District, with expected maximum temperatures ranging from 31°C - 34°C (Humidex 38°C - 40°C) both Friday June 19th and Saturday June 20th. It is important to take steps to prevent heat-related illness during this heat event. Extreme heat can put everyone at risk from heat related illness, however older adults, infants and young children, people with chronic health conditions, people who work or exercise in the heat, homeless people and low-income earners are at greatest risk.