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Mental Health

It’s OK to NOT be OK…

If you or someone you know is experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety, grief, worry, anger, or suicide, contact a crisis line, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:

Mental Health Crisis Line (Ages 16 or older)
Crisis Line

Child, Youth and Family Crisis Line and Crisis Chat (Ages 17 and under)
24/7 Crisis Line and Crisis Chat

If you, or someone you know, are having thoughts of suicide or causing self-harm, call 9-1-1 or visit your nearest Emergency Department.

Renfrew County and District Health Unit does not provide mental health counselling or treatment.

Mental Health and Addiction Resources for Residents in Renfrew County and District

Organization NameDescription of ServicesContact Information
Mental Health Services of Renfrew County Services supporting mental wellness and recovery for individuals ages 16 years and older, who are in distress or living with mental illness and/or addiction.Phone: 613-732-8770 or 1-800-991-7711
Phoenix Centre for Children and FamiliesMental health services for children and families (ages 17 and under or caregivers).Phone: 613-735-2374 or 1-800-465-1870
Robbie Dean Family Counselling CentreFree short term counselling and support groups for
individuals 16 years and over.
Phone: 613-629-4243
Petawawa Military Family Resource CentreMental health services for military families of all ages and a free mental health walk-in clinic every Wednesday evening.
Services in French are available by appointment only.
Phone: 613-687-7587 ext. 3226
Walk-In Clinic:
Veterans Affairs CanadaVeterans can access information and emergency funding for members who are in financial distress and who meet the criteria for services/funding.Phone: National Contact Centre 1-866-522-2122
Veterans Affairs Canada AssistanceVeterans and serving members can access up to 8 therapy sessions through this service at no cost.Phone: 1-800-268-7708
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation The Mental Health and Addictions Team provides a variety of community-based and culturally appropriate activities and services to support First Nations children, youth, adults, and families of Pikwakanagan.Phone: 613-625-2259
Renfrew County Addiction Treatment SystemDelivers comprehensive, integrated alcohol, drug and
gambling addiction assessment, counselling, and treatment programs.
Phone: 1-800-265-0197
Kids Help PhoneProvides confidential 24/7 phone, live chat and text
counselling support to children, youth, and young adults.
Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Live Chat:
Text: text TALK to 686868
North Renfrew Family ServicesA free walk-in clinic is open to all Renfrew County residents
every Wednesday from 1-6 p.m. (last appointment at 4:30 p.m.). Mental health services by appointment are available for residents living from Chalk River to Deux Rivieres. Services in French can be arranged.
Phone: 613-584-3358
ConnexOntarioFree and confidential health services information and referral for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness, or gambling. Helpline, text, and online chat available.1-866-531-2600
Pleo – Parents’ Lifelines of Eastern OntarioA family peer support organization for parents whose children to age 25 are facing mental health challenges, including a parents’ helpline, in-person and virtual parent support groups, and mobile one-on-one support.613-321-3211 or 855-775-7005
E-Walk-In Counselling ClinicThe Walk-In Counselling Clinic provides immediate counselling services to individuals, couples, and families. Sessions are free to all members of the community, with no restrictions based on age or location/address and no need for an appointment.

Note: For Renfrew County and District, appointments are ONLY by telephone or video.
Drug Free Kids CanadaInformation and resources to support parents to prevent and reduce the harms of drug use by youth. The Parent Support Hub is a safe virtual space for parents, guardians and families to get guidance and support. This free phone-in or chat service is available 24/7 for anyone who is concerned about the use of substances by a young person in their life.1-866-381-1511
BounceBack®Free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, you will get access to tools that will support you on your path to mental wellness.

Mental Health During an Emergency – Mental Health Services, Help and Support in Your Community (Children, Youth, and Families)
Provides anonymous, confidential and trustworthy information, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Features include:

  • Mental Health Help (i.e. directory of mental health services and organizations)
  • Info Sheets
  • Screening Tools
  • Events Calendar
  • News Feed
  • Research directory


School Mental Health Ontario Resources

Psychology Foundation of Canada

Canadian Mental Health Association

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Depression/Anxiety in Pregnancy

We often hear about postpartum (after birth) depression, but depression can actually begin in pregnancy. One in five women report feeling depressed and/or anxious during pregnancy. Pregnant women who are worried about their moods are encouraged to talk to their health care provider. Treating depression and/or anxiety in pregnancy can reduce the risk of depression after the baby is born.

Baby Blues

The first few weeks after the birth of a baby can be exciting but can also be stressful for a new mother and her family. About 80% or mothers feel the “baby blues” or postpartum blues three to five days after giving birth. A woman who is experiencing baby blues may:

  • feel happy one minute and sad the next;
  • feel helpless, worried, irritable or anxious;
  • cry for what seems like no reason;
  • have trouble sleeping and more.

These are normal feelings when women have postpartum blues. Usually they get better or go away within a week or two. However, if a woman’s mood does not improve after two weeks of giving birth, she may be experiencing postpartum depression.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression affects a woman’s mood, behaviour, thoughts and physical well-being. It can occur at anytime during the first year after baby is born but usually exhibit symptoms in the early postpartum period. A woman who is experiencing depression may:

  • have little or no interest or enjoyment in things she used to enjoy;
  • feel sad most of the time;
  • feel anxious or worried, guilty and ashamed, alone, panicky, frustrated, angry and irritable, worthless, hopeless;
  • have no energy;
  • have a poor appetite or feel like eating all the time;
  • be unable to concentrate;
  • cry for no apparent reason;
  • sleep too much or too little and more.

Postpartum Anxiety

Many women who experience postpartum depression will also have anxiety. Other times, women experience symptoms of anxiety without being depressed. A woman who is experiencing anxiety may:

  • have a racing heart;
  • feel on edge;
  • have too much or unrealistic worry
  • have upsetting thoughts or images of harm to the baby.

Postpartum Psychosis

In extremely rare cases, women develop psychosis after giving birth. A woman who is experiencing psychosis may:

  • feel extremely confused and hopeless;
  • Not be able to sleep;
  • distrust other people;
  • see things or hear things that are not there;
  • have thoughts of harming oneself, the baby or others.

This is a medical emergency. Immediate assistance and treatment are needed.

Postpartum Mood Disorders Risk Factors

Some women have a higher risk of developing a postpartum mood disorder. The most common reasons are when a woman:

  • experienced depression or anxiety in the past;
  • has a family member who has had depression or anxiety;
  • has too little support from friends, family and community;
  • had a recent stressful life event such as a move or a loss in the family;
  • has repeated or constant stress (i.e.; work, finances, housing, life circumstances, relationships);
  • and has relationship difficulties with close family member(s).

What a Woman Can Do

There are many things a woman can do to benefit her emotional health:

  • don’t feel embarrassed, ashamed or guilty – it’s not your fault;
  • ask for help;
  • take care of herself – eat healthy; get rest, fresh air and exercise; take time for herself;
  • talk to someone you trust;
  • seek assessment and treatment from her health care provider;
  • and consider treatment options like counselling and medication.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

A woman may find it helpful to complete the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. It is a short questionnaire that checks for postpartum depression. New mothers can easily complete and score it at home and then take it to their health care provider to talk about how she is feeling. It is important for a woman to tell their Health Care Provider all the symptoms she is experiencing so that all available support and treatment options are considered.

Support from Partners, Friends and Family

Partner, friends and family support is also very important for a woman with a postpartum mood disorder. They can:

  • listen to a mother’s concerns;
  • help her make decisions;
  • comfort her;
  • help with practical things like looking after children and household chores and more.

Coping After Baby: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based Workshop


Mental Health and Addiction Calendar

**Note - For Statutory Holidays, the schedule for walk-in clinics may vary. Please check with the provider directly to confirm their dates and hours of operation.**

Walk-in Clinics/Events

What's Happening Soon

View Our Calendar

Pembroke Office

141 Lake Street, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5L8

Phone: 613-732-3629
Toll Free: 1-800-267-1097
Fax: 613-735-3067

Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Renfrew Service Hub (By Appointment Only)

120 Plaunt Street South, Renfrew, Ontario, K7V 1M5

Services offered by appointment only.

If you require an alternative accessible format or assistance accessing information on this page, please contact us at or 613-732-3629.