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NOTICE: RCDHU Encourages Residents to Ensure Up-to-Date Measles Immunizations

Ontario is experiencing a measles outbreak involving 177 cases as of February 26, 2025. Most outbreak cases have been reported in Southwestern Ontario by Southwestern Public Health and Grand Erie Public Health. Over 90% of infections have been in unimmunized individuals. At this time, no cases of measles have been reported in Renfrew County and District.

“The increase in measles infections across Ontario is concerning. I strongly recommend that everyone check their immunization status and ensure they are up to date, which is the most effective thing we can do to prevent the spread of infection in our region,” said Dr. Jason Morgenstern, Medical Officer of Health at the Renfrew County and District Health Unit.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection with symptoms of fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, fatigue, and red rash. Symptoms usually appear 7 to 21 days after being exposed to the virus. Measles can cause serious health problems, including hospitalization, pneumonia, inflammation of the brain, and, rarely, death. The virus can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through small respiratory droplets in the air.

How do I know if my measles vaccinations are up to date?

  • Most people born before 1970 have protection (immunity) due to infection in their childhood, as high levels of measles were circulating before 1970.
  • Anyone born in 1970 or later who has not had 2 doses of MMR or been infected with measles is vulnerable to infection.
  • Southwestern Ontario is currently experiencing high levels of measles circulation. There are special immunization recommendations for people traveling to the area.
  • Visit RCDHU’s website or call RCDHU at 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004 for detailed information about measles immunization.

You can access immunization records using the ICON tool. If your record is not up to date, speak to your health-care provider about getting your vaccines. RCDHU also offers vaccine clinics by appointment. For more information, or to book an appointment at an RCDHU clinic, call 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

If you experience any symptoms of measles, please call your health-care provider and avoid attending any public settings. If you need to go to a clinic or other healthcare setting for care, it is important to contact them ahead of time to avoid spreading the virus to others.

If you believe you have been in contact with the measles virus it is recommended that you:

  • Monitor closely for symptoms
  • Wear a well-fitting mask (preferably N95/KN95 style)
  • Limit unnecessary contact with others

Measles, also called red measles, is a very contagious infection that is caused by the measles virus. Measles can cause serious health complications, including hospitalization, pneumonia, and inflammation of the brain. It is usually more severe in infants and adults than in children.

Measles is spread when a person comes in contact with an infected person. It is spread through droplets from the nose, mouth or throat when an infected person is coughing, sneezing or talking. Measles is one of the most highly communicable diseases.

Symptoms of measles may develop 7 to 21 days after exposure to an infected person. Symptoms include:

  • High fever
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • Red eyes
  • Small white spots may appear in the mouth and throat
  • A red blotchy rash begins to appear on the face 3 to 7 days after the start of symptoms, then spreads down the body to the arms and legs. This rash usually lasts 4 to 7 days.

Symptoms generally last from 1 to 2 weeks.

If you develop symptoms of measles:

If you develop symptoms of measles, you should be assessed by a physician, and notify the health care facility that you plan to visit so that they are aware of your symptoms prior to your arrival. You should also wear a medical grade mask to the appointment. In the meantime, stay at home to avoid potentially exposing other people (“home isolation”).

Measles is diagnosed by a blood test, a urine sample and a nasopharyngeal swab.

If you are having a medical emergency, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency department. Advise them of your symptoms, if you were exposed to measles, and if possible wear a medical grade mask.


If you were exposed to someone with measles:

Depending on the situation, your vaccination history, and other risk factors, a public health official may advise you of the need to stay home from work or school, get tested, get preventive treatment or get vaccinated.

The best way you can protect yourself and others against measles is by getting the measles vaccine. This vaccine is combined with the vaccine for mumps and rubella and is known as the MMR vaccine. The MMR vaccine can also be combined with the varicella vaccine (MMR-V) for some individuals. MMR and MMR-V are very safe vaccines and very effective against measles. Two doses of measles vaccination is 99% effective at preventing infection.

In Ontario, as a part of routine immunizations, children receive two doses of a measles containing vaccine before the age of 7.
Children receive one dose of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps & rubella) at 12 months of age.

Children receive a second dose of measles containing vaccine, MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella & varicella), vaccine, between 4 and 6 years of age.

Infants 6-11 months of age: One dose of MMR vaccine may be given if infant is travelling outside of Canada. (Note: Two additional doses of measles-containing vaccine must be administered after the child is 12 months old to ensure long lasting immunity to measles).

The best way you can protect yourself and others against measles is by getting the measles vaccine. This vaccine is combined with the vaccine for mumps and rubella and is known as the MMR vaccine. MMR vaccine is very safe and very effective against measles.

Adults born in or after 1970 can receive two doses of a Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine (MMR). In this age group, it is strongly recommended that travelers who are traveling outside of Canada and students in post-secondary educational settings receive two doses.

All adults born before 1970 are generally presumed to have natural immunity to measles. A one time dose of Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine is publicly funded (no cost) for this age group. Individuals in this age group may be eligible to receive a second dose if traveling to destinations outside of Canada or as per healthcare providers judgement.

It is important to have an up to date copy of your immunization records. If you have missing or incomplete records, use these tips for locating your immunization records.

Individuals may be able to access their records using the Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) tool.

You can submit and update your immunization records online using the Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) tool.

ICON is a secure online system for submitting, updating, viewing, and printing your or your child’s immunization information to RCDHU.

How to use ICON:
You will need to create an account and set a PIN for you or your child. To create an account and set a PIN, you will need the following information:

Ontario Health Card AND Postal Code (these must be on file with RCDHU)

Ontario Immunization ID (OIID): To obtain the OIID and get assistance setting your PIN, call Renfrew County and District Health Unit at 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004
Important: When submitting records on ICON, please upload a picture of the record so we can verify that the correct vaccine is entered.

Other ways to update your record:
If you choose to share immunization records through email, fax, mail, or in person, the following form must be completed – Immunization Program Questionnaire and attached to a copy of the immunization records submitted.

To submit immunization records, you can:

Email a digital copy of the Immunization record to
Fax a copy of the immunization record to 613-735-3067, ATTN to: Clinical Services – Immunization Records
Mail a copy of the immunization record to: Renfrew County and District Health Unit, 141 Lake St. Pembroke, ON. K8A 5L8
Please note that mailing can take more time and delay the reviewing and updating of the file in the provincial database system.

RCDHU: Immunization Clinics
Government of Canada: Measles: Symptoms and treatment 
Canadian Pediatric Society: Measles

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