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Immunizations for Children

Immunization is a simple, effective way to protect your child against preventable diseases. Routine immunization begins at two months of age and continues throughout life according to Ontario’s routine immunization schedule.

All of the routine vaccines are free of charge and are available at Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) immunization clinics, or from your health care provider.

Bring your child’s immunization record (yellow card) when getting an immunization. Your health care provider will update the card.

Keep the yellow card in a safe place. This record may be needed when:

  • entering day care or school
  • traveling
  • attending camp
  • visiting an emergency department or clinic

Please note: It is the parent/legal guardian’s responsibility to report immunizations to RCDHU. Call 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

As a parent, keeping your children safe and healthy is your number one priority. Each year Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) assesses the immunization record of every student attending a school in Renfrew County and District. RCDHU  is required by law, to ensure that all students attending school between the ages of 4 to 17 are immunized according to Ontario’s immunization schedule.

RCDHU is starting its yearly check of children’s immunization records to make sure they meet the requirements of the ISPA act. Health Care providers are NOT obligated to share immunization records with the health unit. Parents are responsible for updating RCDHU every time your child gets a vaccine.

RCDHU is sending a second notice and a suspension order to students born in 2007 and 2017.

What vaccines are required for a student to attend school?

As required by the Immunization of School Pupils Act, 1990, families need to report immunization records to their local public health unit.

Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act, students need to have proof of immunization against the following:

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Polio
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Meningococcal disease
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Varicella for children born in 2010 or after

We understand that this process can be stressful, and we are here to help. If you have received a letter from RCDHU and need assistance, please call 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004, Monday-Friday from 08:30-4:00.

Why did I receive a notice of incomplete immunization record from RCDHU?

A notice is sent when RCDHU has identified that a students immunization record is either missing or contains incorrect vaccine information that is mandatory for school attendance. Examples include the following:

  1. RCDHU does not have a complete immunization record for the student. The Parent, Guardian or student is responsible for reporting all immunization records to RCDHU. Health care providers and schools are not obligated to report immunization records to RCDHU.
  2. The student is overdue for one or more immunization.
  3. The student may have received an invalid vaccine dose that does not comply with the Ontario Immunization schedule. Certain vaccines may be invalid due to student’s age and/or interval between each vaccine doses given. Revaccination is recommended for effectiveness and proper protection.
  4. You have chosen not to have the student vaccinated, but do not have a valid exemption on file. Please go see “Exemptions from Immunizations” below for more information

What happens if I don’t update my child’s immunization record?

If you have received a notice and your child’s immunization record is not updated by March 26, 2025, the ISPA authorizes the Medical Officer of Health to suspend students from school for up to 20 days or until the required information is received.

How do I update and report immunization records?

You can update immunization records through the following ways:

Online: Use the ICON (Immunization Connect Ontario) tool.

Email: Send a copy of the updated record to

Fax: send a copy of the updated record to 613-735-3067

Phone: 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004

For additional information on updating or submitting immunization records, please visit: Update or Access Immunization Records

Where can I go for vaccinations?

You can receive vaccinations from your healthcare provider. Afterwards, report the immunization to RCDHU. Alternatively, Immunization clinics are being offered by appointment at several locations throughout Renfrew County. Walk-ins are accepted, wait times may vary. For more information you can contact the RCDHU Immunization Line at 613-732-9436 or visit

Exemptions from Immunization

Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act, your child can be exempted from immunization for medical reasons or due to conscience or religious belief:

  1. For medical reasons: If your child will be attending school and is medically unable to be vaccinated, a Statement of Medical Exemption form must be completed by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner.
  2. For conscience or religious belief: If parents/guardians are choosing to not vaccinate their child for conscience or religious belief, a mandatory vaccine education session MUST be completed. This must be provided by Renfrew County and District Health Unit.

To book a vaccine education session, please contact RCDHU at 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

In the event of an outbreak related to a vaccine preventable disease, any child with a medical, conscience or religious belief exemption on file may be asked to stay home and not attend school until the risk related to the outbreak has ended. Additional information can be found at Ontario’s Vaccines for Children at School.

What should I do if I have questions or need further assistance?

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact RCDHU:


Phone: 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, 08:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Online: Visit the Immunizations for Children section at


Providing immunization information for attending licensed child care

Immunization protects children from many serious diseases that are easily spread in child care settings. In accordance with the Child Care and Early Years Act, all children attending a licensed child care facility must show proof of immunization against:

  • diphtheria
  • haemophilus influenza type B
  • measles
  • meningococcal diseases
  • mumps
  • pertussis
  • pneumococcal disease
  • poliomyelitis
  • rotavirus
  • rubella
  • tetanus
  • varicella

Children who are not immunized must provide a valid exemption.

If you are registering your child in a licensed child care facility, please complete the:

Submit the questionnaire and a copy of your child’s immunization record to your licensed child care provider and to Renfrew County and District Health Unit. If you have questions regarding the Immunization Program Questionnaire, please call 732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004 for assistance.

Valid Exemptions

To be exempt from the required immunizations, a copy of one of the following must be provided to Renfrew County and District Health Unit:

If you have questions regarding the  exemption forms, please call us at 732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

Submitting Immunization Records

Each time your child receives a vaccination, you are required to update Renfrew County and District Health Unit directly, as well as your Child Care Facility.

Please note: Health care providers and child care providers do not report immunization records for you.

To find out if your child is up to date with the required vaccines for attending a licensed child care facility, and for ways to report your child’s vaccines to RCDHU, please visit: Report your Immunizations.

The Ontario Ministry of Health offers free Meningococcal, Hepatitis B, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines to all Grade 7 students. Meningococcal is required for students to attend school in Ontario, as per the Immunization of School Pupils Act (1990). Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines are not required vaccines to attend school but are strongly recommended.

Throughout the school year, RCDHU’s School Immunization Team will be providing the above-mentioned immunizations in schools, free of charge, for eligible grade 7 students for whom parental consent has been provided.

If your child is not able to attend a school-based clinic, you may call your heath care provider to inquire about grade 7 vaccines or book an appointment with RCDHU by calling 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

Eligibility Criteria

As of September 2022, the school-based Hepatitis B eligibility period, in line with the HPV and Meningococcal vaccines, has been expanded until the end of grade 12, allowing students who missed their vaccines in grade 7 to be vaccinated under the publicly funded program until grade 12 through their public health unit or primary care provider.

Consent Form

Information Fact Sheet

Educational Resources

Explore ways to stay calm by using the CARD (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) system from AboutKidsHealth:

To learn more about the grade 7 vaccines and how to get ready for a clinic, watch the following videos:



Update your Child’s Immunization Record

Parents/ legal guardians are responsible for updating Renfrew County and District Health Unit every time their child receives an immunization from their doctor. If your child has received one of the vaccines mentioned above, please update their immunization record by:

For full details on updating immunization records, please visit Update or Access Immunization Records.

As of September 2022, the school-based Hepatitis B eligibility period, in line with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Meningococcal vaccines, is expanded until the end of grade 12, allowing students who missed their vaccines in grade 7 to be vaccinated under the publicly funded program until grade 12.

Note: Meningococcal vaccine is required for students to attend school in Ontario as per the Immunization of School Pupils Act (1990). Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines are not required vaccines to attend school but are strongly recommended.

How to Get Your Youth Vaccinated

If your youth missed their vaccines in grade 7, you may book an appointment through:

  • Your Health Care Provider: inquire about school-based immunizations by calling their office; OR
  • Renfrew County and District Health Unit: book an appointment by calling 613-732-9436 or 1-833-773-0004.

Update your Child’s Immunization Records

Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are responsible for updating Renfrew County and District Health Unit every time their youth receives immunization from their doctor. If your youth has received one of the vaccines mentioned above, please update their immunization record by:

For full details on updating immunization records, please visit Update or Access Immunization Records.

For additional vaccine information, visit Ontario’s Vaccines for children at school.


For children 4 to 6 years old: 

For children in Grade 7: 

For teens 14 to 16 years old:  


Additional Resources:

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Pembroke Office

141 Lake Street, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5L8

Phone: 613-732-3629
Toll Free: 1-800-267-1097
Fax: 613-735-3067

Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Renfrew Service Hub (By Appointment Only)

120 Plaunt Street South, Renfrew, Ontario, K7V 1M5

Services offered by appointment only.

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