Reportable Diseases
Reportable Diseases
Physicians and other practitioners, administrators of hospitals, and superintendents of institutions are legally required under the Health Protection and Promotion Act to report certain known or suspected diseases of public health significance (DOPHS) to Public Health to help control the spread of disease. The Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act lists over 70 DOPHS that must be reported to the local health unit. All reports are followed up by a Public Health Nurse or Public Health Inspector.
How to report diseases of public health significance
- Reportable Diseases of Public Health Significance Toolkit (July 2023) for specific reporting condition requirements
- For diseases that need to be reported immediately, call 613-732-3629 during office hours, and 613-735-9926 during evenings, weekends, and holidays.
- For all reportable diseases, complete the appropriate reporting form and fax to 613-735-3067 by the next business day.
- Diseases-of-Public-Health-Significance-Reporting-Form-for-HCP (Formerly known as “Communicable Disease Reporting Form”)
- Diseases-of-Public-Health-Significance-Reporting-Form-for-Day-Cares-Schools
- Positive TST Reporting Form for HCP
- Rabies: See below
- Lyme Disease Reporting Form
Please Note: Respiratory and gastroenteritis outbreaks in institutions should be reported immediately by telephone when an outbreak is suspected or confirmed. Refer to Outbreak Management for forms and resources to use during an outbreak.
Measles Resources
- Measles – Public Health Ontario
- Measles – Case Definitions and Disease Specific Information
- Measles Exposures in Ontario
- Media Release – RCDHU Is Encouraging Residents to Ensure Their Measles Vaccinations Are Up to Date and Be Aware of Measles Symptoms
- Memorandum – Measles Preparedness and Response
- Recommendations for TB Screening in LTCH-RH
- Public Health Ontario
- Public Health Ontario Laboratory Test Directory
- Sexually Transmitted Infections Case Management and Contact Tracing Best Practice Recommendations (PDF)
- Guidelines for Testing and Treatment of Gonorrhea
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Canadian Tuberculosis Standards, 7th Edition, 2014
- Lung Association
- Tuberculosis Information for Health Care Providers, 5th edition (PDF, 34 pages, 1240 KB)
- Tuberculin Skin Tests (TST): RCDHU
- Lyme Disease – Management of Tick Bites and Investigation of Early Localized Lyme Disease Clinical Guidance (PDF)
- Mpox (monkeypox) resources for health care professionals |
- Mpox | Public Health Ontario Testing Requirements
Rabies Prevention and Control
The Health Unit works to prevent human cases of rabies through the following activities:
- monitoring the type, number and location of animals that have tested positive for rabies in Renfrew County and District and surrounding areas
- having a Rabies Contingency Plan and keeping it up to date
- investigating when people are exposed to animals suspected of having rabies
- having a supply of anti-rabies vaccine
- consulting with doctors in deciding when there is a need to give the vaccine to a person who has been exposed to an animal suspected of having rabies
- Public Health Inspectors investigate animal bites and scratches that are reported to the Health Unit. The owner has to put the suspect animal into quarantine. This is necessary to ensure that the rabies virus was not present in the saliva of the animal when the person was bitten or scratched. The animal is checked at the end of the quarantine period to make sure it is free of rabies symptoms.
All animal bites and scratches involving humans must be reported to the Health Unit immediately using the Contact with Suspect Rabies Exposure Investigation Form.
If a person exposed requires rabies post-exposure prophylaxis, fill in the Request for Rabies Post Exposure Vaccine Form and report it to the Health Unit immediately.
The document to be reviewed by health-care providers upon report of an animal bite can be found here: Management of Potential Rabies Exposure Guideline, 2020
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources – Rabies in Humans
Vaccine Resources
Please visit RCDHU’s webpage: Vaccine Resources for Health Care Providers.
As well as Ontario’s Ministry of Health webpage: Vaccine Resources for Professionals.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information
2019 Novel Coronavirus
Health Nexus Webinar: Infection Prevention and Control in Primary Care and Community Settings
COVID-19 Signage
Guidance Documents
Guidance documents have been produced for a number of health sectors related to COVID-19.
Information Sheets
- 2019 Novel Coronavirus Fact Sheet – English, French, Chinese
- COVID-19 – Safe Practices
- Public Health Ontario – How to care for a child who needs to self-isolate
- How to Self-monitor
COVID-19 Links
- Public Health Ontario (PHO):
- Public Health Ontario (PHO): COVID-19: Infection Prevention and Control Checklist for Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes
- Public Health Ontario (PHO): COVID-19 Health Care Resources
- Government of Ontario:
- Government of Canada – Infection Prevention and Control for COVID-19: Second Interim Guidance for Acute Healthcare Settings
- Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC):
- World Health Organization (WHO):
- Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE –
Updates, Advisories and Alerts
The Outbreak Status Report is updated daily (excluding weekends and statutory holidays), providing health care providers and our community with a snapshot of possible viruses or other pathogens circulating in our communities:
Please note: The RCDHU Weekly Flu Activity Report has been discontinued. Similar information and respiratory illness data, including COVID-19, influenza (flu), and other respiratory viruses, can be found using RCDHU’s Respiratory Illness Data Summary for Renfrew County and District.
For more information on local influenza activity, including weekly number and rates of influenza cases, please visit the Ontario Respiratory Virus Tool.
Measles remains endemic in many parts of the world, and several high profile outbreaks are occurring in parts of North America.
Data as of April 10, 2024:
In 2024, there have been 11 laboratory-confirmed cases of measles reported in Ontario.
Ten cases were associated with travel (i.e., acquisition of measles outside of Canada)
One case occurred in an individual with unknown source of exposure (i.e., no history of travel and no epidemiological link with a confirmed case)
In 2023, there were seven laboratory-confirmed cases of measles reported in Ontario.
This data will be updated as new information becomes available. For more information visit Public Health Ontario.
Health Promotion
Alcohol & Other Drugs
- Canadian Clinical Guideline – High Risk Drinking and Alcohol Use Disorder
- Help With Drinking – For health care providers
For more information on alcohol and other drugs, visit: Alcohol and Other Drugs.
Quitting Smoking
Supports for your patients to quit smoking are available through a variety of programs and services in Renfrew County and District. Please see: Resources to Quit Smoking in Renfrew County and District – Navigational Map.
The following resources can assist health care providers to support patients with cutting back or quitting tobacco.
- You Can Make It Happen – A resource for health care providers to assist their patients and clients to quit smoking.
- TEACH – Training Enhancement in Applied Cessation Counselling and Health – A training program to ensure that practitioners who provide services to people who use tobacco have the knowledge and skills to deliver effective, evidence-based cessation interventions.
- Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation – A program that systematically identifies, provides treatment, and offers follow-up to all smokers seen in clinical practice. The inpatient part of this program is implemented by hospitals in Renfrew County.
Breastfeeding, Clinics & HBHC
Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program
Healthy Babies Healthy Children is a voluntary, free home visiting program for women and their families in the prenatal period, and women with children from birth until their transition to school.
Healthy Babies Healthy Children program offers support in the home for every child and parent identified with challenges. This includes assessment, teaching, referral and service coordination.
Renfrew County and District Health Unit’s home visiting team consists of Public Health Nurses, Social Workers and Home Visitors. Staff members work with clients on:
- achieving healthy pregnancy;
- good nutrition and feeding (including breastfeeding);
- healthy child development;
- safety;
- adjusting to parenthood;
- mental health supports;
- accessing community resources, and more.
For more information about the Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program and/or to view/download the HBHC Fact Sheet, visit the Government of Ontario website in English and/or French.
To refer to the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program:
- send a completed Referral Form for Service Providers to Renfrew County and District Health Unit OR
- call Healthy Families Intake Line at 613-735-9774 (direct line) or 1-800-267-1097 ext. 589 (toll-free).
Let’s Grow Clinics
RCDHU is offering by appointment Let’s Grow Clinics. Clients can spend one-on-one time with a Public Health Nurse and get support as well as answers to questions about feeding, sleeping, crying and other parenting topics. The clinics are open to families with children age zero to transition to school. Children 0-18 months can also receive their routine immunizations at Let’s Grow clinics.
Clinic locations:
- Pembroke
- Arnprior
- Renfrew
- Barry’s Bay
For more information and to book an appointment:
- call: 613-735-9774 (direct line) or 1-800-267-1097 ext. 589 (toll-free); or
- email:
Note: Clinics do not replace assessment by a Health Care Provider.
Outbreak Management
Under the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990 outbreaks of respiratory and enteric infections in institutions are reportable to the local Medical Officer of Health as soon as an outbreak is suspected.
For non-urgent outbreak inquiries, please email
Reporting an Outbreak
To report an outbreak during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm, please contact 613-732-3629 or Please leave a message clearly stating the following:
- if the outbreak is respiratory or enteric;
- the name of the contact person;
- the facility name; and
- the phone number where the contact can be reached.
An outbreak investigator will return your call.
To report an outbreak after hours, please call 613-735-9926. Leave a message clearly stating the above information. A staff member will return your call to follow up.
Fax Number: 613-735-3067
Respiratory Outbreaks (including COVID-19)
Outbreak Forms and Checklists:
- Initial Respiratory Outbreak Notification Form
- Initial Checklist for Outbreak Management 2024
- Respiratory Outbreak Line List – Resident
- Respiratory Outbreak Line List – Staff
- Final Report Summary for Respiratory Outbreak 2024-2025 (FILLABLE)
- COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Fatalities Reporting Form
- Multiplex Respiratory Virus PCR (MRVP) Test Kits Request Form
- MOHLTC – Recommendations for Outbreak Prevention and Control in Institutions and Congregate Living Settings, 2024 (French version available upon request)
- MOHLTC – COVID-19 Health Sector Guidance
- Checklist: Outbreak Preparedness, Prevention and Management in Congregate Living Settings
Enteric Outbreaks
Outbreak Forms:
- MOHLTC – Recommendations for Outbreak Prevention and Control in Institutions and Congregate Living Settings, 2024 (French version available upon request)
- MOHLTC – Roles and Responsibilities of Hospitals and Public Health Units in CDI Reporting and Outbreak Management, 2014
- Public Health Ontario – Clostridioides difficile Infections (CDI)
- Public Health Ontario – Environmental Cleaning
Additional Resources
Infection Control Resources:
- Infection Prevention and Control Canada
- Routine Practices and Additional Precautions in All Health Care Settings
- Public Health Ontario
Laboratory Services Resources
Signage and Fact Sheets
- We are experiencing a respiratory outbreak poster
- Controlling respiratory outbreaks: What visitors need to know fact sheet
- Additional Precautions Signage and Lanyard Cards
- Recommended steps for putting on and taking off personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Routine Practices and Additional Precautions – Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC) 3rd edition
- Attention: Mask/Physical Distancing Poster
- Do Not Enter If Sick Poster
- Hand Sanitize Before Entering Poster
- Hand Sanitizer Station Poster
- Flu Physical Distancing Poster
- Cover Your Cough Poster
Other Resources
- Ontario Respiratory Pathogen Bulletin is posted every Friday during influenza season (November to April).
- Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC)
- Routine Practices and Additional Precautions in All Health Care Settings (PDF, 113 pages, 3 MB)
- Infection Prevention and Control Canada
Flu shots are available free for all Ontario residents over six months of age. They are available through local drug stores, health care providers, and Renfrew County and District Health Unit.
Local Influenza Activity
Many people with influenza-like illness do not seek medical care or have lab testing done. Therefore reporting of laboratory confirmed influenza cases to public health units significantly underestimates the burden of influenza in Ontario.
For information on the number of lab confirmed influenza cases in Renfrew County and District, see the Local Influenza Activity section of our Weekly Outbreak Status Reports.
- Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – Universal Influenza Immunization Program
- Government of Canada – For health professionals: Flu (influenza).
- Public Health Ontario – Influenza webpage
An influenza pandemic is declared when a new strain of flu virus emerges that has never been seen before and begins to spread quickly around the world. For example, in Spring 2009, a new strain of the influenza virus, the H1N1 virus, caused a pandemic. As it was a new strain and because humans had little to no natural immunity to this virus, it caused serious and widespread illness.
The frequency of pandemics is unpredictable, but experts agree that we need to be prepared for the next one. Renfrew County and District Health Unit’s Pandemic Influenza Plan provides direction on responding to an influenza pandemic in coordination with federal, provincial and local pandemic influenza plans
Infection Control
Renfrew County and District Health Unit works with hospitals, long-term care homes, day nurseries and other community settings to ensure infection control programs are in place where required and that infection prevention practices are followed. Health Unit staff participate in the infection control committees of hospitals and long-term care homes in Renfrew County and District.
Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee (PIDAC)
- Best Practices for Prevention, Surveillance and Infection Control Management of Novel Respiratory Infections
- Infection Prevention and Control in Perinatology
- Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of Medical Equipment/Devices
- Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections
- Infection Prevention and Control Programs in Ontario
- Best Practices for Hand Hygiene
- Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Office Practice
- Routine Practices and Additional Precautions Annexes A, B and C
- Surveillance of Health Care Associated Infections
Public Health Ontario: Hand Hygiene